
Showing posts from October, 2020

Product as the Pursuit of the Mystery of Greater Purposes

"I see and know your heart and purposes," says Jeremiah (17:10). Welcome to today's exploration of product and purpose!  This post asserts that ultimately, if we search and receive genuine purpose for developing products that pass the "why am I doing this?" test, then our products will pass the important economic tests as well. Plus, much insight and wisdom about product value will be discovered along the way. Isn't this a bit rosy, though, that "purpose" will lead to economic acceptance? Why be so "Quixotic?" First, I believe product and purpose are intimately linked because: "Form follows function." We humans are re produced . Where we come, we typically say is where we are "a product" of. Our development is reflective of our products. Exploring product is like exploring ourselves, and vice versa. Our humanity can be connected and written all over every product that is produced. The capacities that develop products a

The Mystery of Product

The chilly weather streak we are in, to borrow a military proverb, reminds us that we go into the winter with the spring, summer and fall we had, not the ones we wish we had. The transitional weather becomes an incredible time to reflect on what we have produced in our year. This season also leads right to the holidays, when more than any other time we gather with the families whom in certain ways we are "products" of.  Consider, then, please doing a "thought experiment": Imagine standing in a position where on one side of you is your experience the product economy.  On the other side of you is any awareness that you may have of you, yourself, being a product of something, someplace, someone... You stand in between these two things.   Something happens in that zone. It is an outward-meets-inward place of awareness.  Relating to the product economy, we genuinely value the thought that we may have dliigently produced this year. (It can't hurt that the cold is set